American Museum Membership Conference - May 2020 Webinar recordng Slides Related Shiny application Abstract In this session I introduce participants to customer lifetime value (LTV) as a metric, including what it is, how to calculate it, and how to use it. I start with a description of its benefits and limitations. We then calculate LTV using example data. I then discuss how to use this metric, particularly in acquisition efforts.

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American Museum Membership Conference - September 2019 Abstract The Philadelphia Museum of Art has a high member retention rate relative to other cultural organizations. However, we know that first-year members are the most vulnerable to churn. In this session, we share the analytics we used to quantify this problem and identify potential solutions. Retention for first-year members is strongly related to the number of visits they make to the museum.

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Philadelphia Non-profit Evaluators Coalition - January 2020 In this talk, I describe why I use code to do data analysis and make the case that other evalutors can and should do the same. This starts from the perspective that: Data analysis offers the power to critically examine and improve our organizations and advance their missions The way we do data analysis isn’t (always) conducive to this Using code can help

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Forum for Opportunity and Justice hosted by ECS - October 2018 In this talk I discuss why looking at data frequently doesn’t lead to the change or improvement we seek. Data alone may be able to identify areas of growth but does not provide clear solutions. In order for data to influence decision-making, organizations and inititiaves need to have a strong foundation of shared understanding about goals and implementation. Frequently described as ‘theories of change’, these frameworks should be as specific as possible and publicly documented so they can act as a guide in decision-making processes.

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Section from The State of Teacher Diversity in America (2015) Methods and Rationale A national search, using primarily online tools and program websites, was conducted to identify state and local programs that aim to recruit and retain minority teachers. Programs were included in this review if they combine recruitment and retention aspects (even if the focus on retention isn’t explicit), have an external evaluation or solid documentation of results, and are still active.

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American Evaluation Association Conference - November 2018 Abstract Over the last several years, direct service programs have increasingly focused on building data and evaluation capacity - investing in staff and/or systems to support data entry and capture outcomes. Government and philanthropic funders have helped drive these changes by mandating specific outcomes information and offering data collection systems. While many programs have become more adept at understanding enrollment and outcomes, too often organizations are awash in data about services and activities that offer a murky picture of the implementation efforts in between.

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EARL Boston - November 2017 Abstract Organizations in the non-profit sector often collect lots of data that only gets used for compliance and performance monitoring. How can we sue this information to deepen our understanding of program implemntation and improve outcomes for participants? This talk focuses on how our organization used the tools and principles associated with the ‘Tidyverse’ to transform our data use from an excercise in counting to a resource for supporting program improvement, ultimately leading to higher quality experiences for participants.

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Joe Ciesielski

data analyst
